Hacktivism 103
SubRosa, 703 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
Thu Mar 10th, 24th, Apr 7th, 21st, May 5th, 19th – 5-7pm
Though much of technology is well-deserving of critique and scrutiny, we work to shape the new world within the context of the old. Through this series of hacktivism workshops, we want to both encourage your interest in technology and provide a way for all of us to exercise our radical politics. If you’ve ever soldered something and enjoyed it, or if you’ve ever learned a programming language and felt brilliant, or if you’ve ever designed something that worked perfectly, we'd like to share more of that with you in an environment where men, women, and trans folks can connect.
UBEW Meet & Geek
Cool months: Poet & Patriot, 320 Cedar Street, Santa Cruz (November - March)
Warm months: Bocci's Cellar, 140 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz (April - October)
Last Thursday of every month 6pm
Except November which will be on the 18th
This is our monthly, open meeting for tech-minded people who have an interest in software and hardware projects that benefit the community. We'll share ideas, help each other with projects, geek out in an egalitarian format, and consume mugs of frothy fermented grain beverage in the process (optional). A background or an interest in making stuff, computer programming, building hardware or electronics, and general geek culture might be helpful in understanding what the hell we are talking and laughing about.
Past Events
Hacktivism 102: Practicing Electronic Civil Disobediance
SubRosa, 703 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
Thu Nov 4th, 18th, Dec 2nd, 16th, 30th, Jan 13th, 27th - 5-7:30pm
Hacktivism 101: Practicing Electronic Civil Disobediance
SubRosa, 703 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
Thu July 8th, 22nd, Aug 5th, 19th, Sep 2nd, 16th - 5-7:30pm
Wikipedia says that "Hacktivism . . . is the nonviolent use of illegal or legally ambiguous digital tools in pursuit of political ends." The goal of this class is to learn and use these tools in order to create the technical infrastructures needed for radical endeavors. If you have ideas for projects, skills to share, or simply an interest, join us! From programming to electronics to social/network engineering. Let's create opensource projects and knowledgebases that our widespread communities can use.
For Contact email: ubew000@gmail.com